After the Song Dynasty, Shandong cook became a representative cook of the North. Under the Ming and Qing dynasties, entered in the Court and was regarded as main kitchen, exercising a great influence in the regions of Beijing, Tianjin and north-eastern China. The people of North East are known to love strong flavors like garlic, vinegar and soy sauce. The cook is rich and generous; there is a dominant presence in wheat (cakes, buns, dumplings…). Mutton is associated with garlic and balsamic vinegar. The North cook, due to poorness soils, is composed of Peking duck, wheat rice and Mongolian fondue and is characterized by dishes flavored, tender and delicate. Its specialties are particularly refined and clear soup or milk and fragrant soup. In the north, we will find flat bread and noodles made from flour. Shandong cuisine is also distinguished from most other cuisines of China through its use of seeds like millet, wheat, oats and barley. These seeds are often served with boiled or porridge, or ground and steamed, or in a variety of breads.
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