Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Indian Food

Indian religious beliefs and culture have played an important influential role into the cuisine. The way to cook has also been influenced by the cultural interactions with Persia, ancient Greece, Mongols and West Asia; it has made a unique blend of various cooking ingredients across Asia. Influence from traders such as the Arab and Portuguese also diversified sub continental tastes and meals. The spice trade between India and Europe introduced European cooking styles adding to the flexibility and diversity of Indian cuisine.

There are too recent additions. For example, Islamic rules introduced rich gravies, pilafs and non vegetarian fare such as kebabs, fruits such as apricots, melons, peaches, and plums. India has known extensive immigration in its history, so it has benefited from numerous food influences. Food is became a marker of social and religious identity.

Indian population is known for its important part of vegetarian people who belong to sections of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain communities. 20 to 42% of the population follows a strict vegetarian diet, while less than 30% eat regularly meat. So, the cuisine into the country had to adapt this fact.

Nowadays, Indian cuisine has a remarkable influence on cuisines across the world especially those from Southeast Asia.

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